
Friday, January 31, 2014

Pride Week: Hair and Pennies

 Monday we started an experiment.  Can you clean a penny with salt and vinegar.  Working together to follow directions we rubbed some salt on the pennies.  Nothing.  Then rubbed some vinegar on the pennies.  That sort of cleaned some of them.  Then we put them in a jar of both ingredients mixed together.  We were supposed to take them out of the jar at the end of the day but we are a curious lot and so we waited till Friday. 

 Did I mention it was crazy hair day?

 Well it was.  Nice work everyone.

Five days later...some of the pennies looked like this.  Nice and clean, not so shiny though.
 But many of them looked like this!
 Whoa,  what happened?
 We will have to do more research.
 It's disintegrating!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Library is Closed

Image courtesy of
 Quick, sad note.  The library is currently closed due to:

-destroyed books
-missing books
-abandoned books
-abandoned book boxes
-mistreated books
-mistreatment of the library

Room 9 is working hard to earn the library back.  Hopefully it will only take a few days to realize how much we need the library.  Stay tuned...

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Reading Group

We are working on the very important comprehension strategy of questioning which goes oh so well with the hypothesis of the Scientific Method.  Look at what this reading group came up with while they were reading about plants!

 And P.S. just to show you how old I am this is a copy of the book I used for my 6th grade science experiment!  Found in a coworkers science section....makes me feel rather old when compared to the science experiment books of today but yay for Mr. Wizard!  Who remembers him? Never did get the experiment to work either.  

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Lab

Next up we needed a lab.  After some discussion about the different types of scientists and the different fields of science this is what we came up with.

 Microscopes, scales, and thermometers
 Safety always comes first in Room 9.  Gloves and goggles are very important.  We threw some hanging scales and microscopes in there for good measure.
 What lab is complete without a lab rat in a cage, with his own lab coat of course!
 Bones for our paleontologists, anthropologists, and archaeologists. 
 Beakers, burners, and bubbles!

 Radiometer, test tubes and a compass!
And of course lab coats, bags, nametags. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Hey Room 9! Look what I found...

See you Tuesday. Guess we need to learn how to take care of this. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

What is a Scientist?

We started our unit on science with creating ourselves as scientists. 

Cheers to some fun things ahead!