
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Wow we made it!

What a week. As Friday came to a close, and I sprayed sticky popsicle covered hands in the sweltering September heat I felt a calm sense of satisfaction about our first week together, but also one of mild panic as I thought of everything we have to accomplish this year. Here are some highlights of the week.

Once the dust settled we discovered our final count; 27 students, many different languages, and a lot of different learning styles. We practiced procedures, like walking in the hall.

We added some color to the classroom...

...talked about respect and what it looks like at school... many books. We even published one too but I forgot to take a picture of it.

We explored math materials and worked together.

This is a Rhinocerous.

We always do lots of math week one. Here is our "Getting to School" graph, the observations we made, and the vocabulary we discussed: more, most, greatest, least, less.

Finally we started the very important process of reflecting on the day. Right now it's rather simple but it will become more complex as the year goes on, and serve as one of the foundations of this blog.

Everyone was very excited so see photos of the classroom on the internet when I introduced the blog this week. They are quite enthusiastic about sharing their learning with their families through this medium. Cheers to an exhausting but fulfilling, and fun first week.

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